Now, make your way to the very bottom right part of the floor. Go down the stair case to the third level. Go back and walk in front of the staircase going down and… BOSS: MARILITH Go down and collect all the treasure chests: (Protect Cloak, 26000 Gil, Protect Ring, Sasuke). Right before you proceed to go down the stairs that take you to the third floor basement. Go down the stairs to the second floor of the basement. He'll cast flare and do about 150-400 damage, though. When you see the staircase, attempt to walk through and: BOSS: LICHīaha, hit him a few times to make him cry uncle. Skip the pillars that are in the middle of the two rooms too. Go all the way around the whole thing till you see a staircase. Just go all the way left to the next staircase going down. There's no treasure on this floor, so just go right to the staircase. Leave the room you're in, and go to the upper left hand corner of this floor to find a staircase going down. Now play the Lute to break the stone slab. After you beat him, collect the two chests (65000 Gil, 45000 Gil) on either side of the stone slab. When you enter you'll get into a fight with "Death Eye" He only gives 1 Gil and 1 EXP point. When you get to the bottom, go left halfway and up to enter a door. Go down, past the two rooms, don't enter them as nothing is in them. You'll be in the upper left-hand corner of the next room. On the next floor walk over to your right and take those stairs going up. Personally, I'd never go back 2000 years just to beat up some goofball, but ONWARD! You disappear into the temple of chaos… a long time ago. Time begins to change, and you go back 2000 years. OMG! Final place in the Game!1!11! Go up to where you saw Garland, and lay the crystals on the black crystal.

Leon, Get Ready!Ĭastle Deist's Secret Posession. Into The Cyclone! The Showdown With Emperor Swallowed By Leviathan! We Have To Escape! The Magic Town, Mysidia.Obtaining The Black Mask Retaking What Is Ours!Ĭastle Fynn's Basement Holds The White Mask! Princess Hilda's Been Kidnapped? Who Took Her?!

The Queen Of The Seas! Finding The Dragoons Mythril Is The Key To Matching The Empire!